Questions to Ask Yourself When Anxiety Hits

Anxiety can be stressful and scary at times. Sometimes it’s difficult to know where it’s coming from and why you are experiencing it. Acknowledging the feelings that come with anxiety and the roots of anxiety are only a portion of treating anxiety. Anxiety is much more than just worrying too much and it’s not a weakness. Anxiety is real and it doesn’t define you. It’s important to assess your current situation when anxiety hits so it doesn’t spiral out of control. It’s also important to know when to ask for help.

Here are some questions to ask yourself when anxiety hits:

1) Will anything change if I worry about it?

Worrying is like walking around with an umbrellas waiting for it to rain. The umbrella (worry) is going to get heavy, wear you out, and get in your way when you try to do productive things. So think about the thing you are worried about, if you can’t fix it and change it now, then picture yourself gently setting it aside until you can fix it.

2) What can I control?

You can’t always control things that happen to you. You definitely can’t control other people. You can control yourself and how you respond.

3) Am I safe right now?

Take notice: are you breathing, are you in danger of hurting yourself or someone else? If you feel like you or someone else is in danger, please call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency room.

4) How have I successfully dealt with situations like this in the past?

Think back on what has happened to you in the past. How did you deal with similar situations? Sometimes its helpful to consider that you have been through something worse and you made it through okay.

5) Who might be able to help me?

Is there someone you trust that you can call to talk to and will listen to you? A phone call to a humble, honest friend is best to talk to in order to help sort through this list of questions.

6) What’s one small step I can take right now to feel better?

Small steps in the right direction are better than big steps in the wrong direction. Take small steps to feel better right now. Do things that are calming and relaxing, do things that make you feel productive, or do something that helps the situation, but only if you can control the situation.

7) What’s the best, worst, and most realistic scenario that is likely to play out?

Think through all the scenarios of what could possibly happen. This helps you come up with a plan on how to move forward. But don’t linger too long on the worst cases and the things you can’t control. Lingering on the negatives is not helpful and can worsen anxiety.

8) Where in your body do you feel anxiety?

One of the significant things to do when you experience anxiety is to notice and pay attention to where in your body feels it the most and where it begins. Oftentimes those body sensations, aches, pains, etc. will surface before you recognize that you are anxious. This helps you to try to figure out what triggered the anxiety and start implementing coping mechanisms to prevent the anxiety from getting out of hand.

Final Thoughts

If you feel powerless and overwhelmed, there is hope in healing. Find a qualified counselor to help you learn new skills on how to deal with stress and anxiety. In some instances, trauma therapy may be helpful.


Harvest Counseling & Wellness is a mental health counseling practice in Argyle, Texas. We provide therapy for couples, individuals, and families are struggling with issues related to codependency, anxiety, depression, abuse, and grief. Our office is located near Denton, Highland Village, Flower Mound, Lantana, Roanoke, & Justin. If you are looking for a therapist in Denton or surrounding areas, contact us today for a complimentary phone consultation, 940-294-7061.