How Anxiety Impacts Mothers

Being a mother, especially a new mother, can be daunting and stressful. Anxiety can creep in when you least expect it and can manifest in many different ways. It’s important to identify the ways it shows up for you so you can be equipped to manage it.

Here are some examples for how anxiety manifests in moms:


You tend to forget things because your mind is in a million different places. You make lists of things you need to do, but you lose the list, it gets thrown into the great abyss of the diaper bag, or the baby eats it.

Difficulty Finding Joy

As a parent everyday even the smallest experiences bring so much joy. But, when anxiety takes over, those experiences are often lost, forgotten, or the space to create joyful experiences are lost because it just feels like too much work. Anxiety takes away the joy of everyday experiences and the joy of planning out the days to have joyful experiences.

Difficulty Trusting

Sometimes mothers put undue pressure on themselves to be perfect and to do all the things on their own. This often creates a space or mentality that only they can do what’s necessary and no one else can do it. This is unhealthy thinking. It’s especially important for new mothers to remember that your partner is capable of helping and learning what to do. Take opportunities to learn about your new person with the person who helped create that little person. If you are faced with being a single mother, find and build a village around you that can help you. It’s okay to ask for help and there are people out there that you can trust to take care of your baby.

Wanting to Do More, But Can’t

You want to do so much and nothing at the same time because anxiety holds you back. Your body aches, your brain aches and you are exhausted, so you want to do nothing, but you can’t because there’s too much to do. Pressure builds, anxiety builds, then what?

Can’t Turn Off “Those” Thoughts

The more you feel overwhelmed and frustrated with not being able to all the things you “should” do, the more you start the inner dialogue of being a failure or you are not enough. “Those” thoughts can be defeating and set you back into the mode of wanting to give up and leads to procrastination, disturbed sleeping patterns, excessive alcohol consumption, over-eating/under-eating, and withdrawing.

Body Aches and Pains

Your body aches constantly from all the places you hold tension. Headaches and migraines may occur more frequently.

Lower Frustration Tolerance

Your frustration tolerance is low so you tend to be reactive instead of responsive. You may lose your temper quickly, you may yell or “snap” at people, speech may become high or loud without realizing it, or you may cry easily.

Final Thoughts

This list is not comprehensive and anxiety can show up in many other ways. Just because you experience or more of these does not mean you have diagnosable anxiety, that you need to fix it or change it if it’s not a problem for you. If you think it is a problem for you, talk about it, set aside some dedicated time to have weekly alone time, seek support or treatment, and know you are not alone. Counseling in an individual and group setting are very effective and can help break potential life-long cycles.


Harvest Counseling & Wellness is a mental health counseling practice in Argyle, Texas. We provide therapy for couples, individuals, and families are struggling with issues related to codependency, anxiety, depression, abuse, and grief.  Our office is located near Denton, Highland Village, Flower Mound, Lantana, Roanoke, & Justin. If you are looking for a therapist in Denton or surrounding areas, contact us today for a complimentary phone consultation, 940-294-7061.