Walk-and-Talk Therapy


Walk-and-talk therapy is different approach to traditional talk therapy, in which the therapist and client take their therapy sessions outdoors. In our practice, this is done in several different ways. For example, I may take teens outside on a dog walk when my dog visits the office, clients are also welcome to bring their own dogs for walks, I may take teens outside to toss the football around on the lawn, or I may hit the golf course with male clients for longer extended appointments. In some cases, when clients want to social distance, I have phone appointments with them as they walk.

There are large amounts of research to the benefits of talk therapy, as well as the benefits of nature and exercise on mental health, but not a lot of research on the benefits of combining all of these. I believe and have observed in my own practice that some clients open up easier when we do “side-by-side” therapy. The movement and outdoor environment helps clients process feelings and thoughts more clearly. Sometimes I start off our therapy process with walk-and-talk therapy to get the client more comfortable with coming to therapy, which helps us to build a trusting relationship in order to start trauma therapy in the office.

Side-by-side therapy takes the awkwardness out of traditional face-to-face conversations. Just as some parents may find they can have difficult conversations with their teens when they go for a car ride or play basketball in the driveway. I have found walk-and-talk therapy is highly effective for teens and men, inviting them to have more meaningful conversations.

We view the movement of walk-and-talk therapy as literally “moving forward” when dealing with anxiety and depression. Instead of feeling “stuck” or ruminating over the same thoughts or memories over and over again, in walk-and-talk therapy we incorporate mindfulness exercises to help the client visualize “moving forward”, leaving those old memories in the past or on the path behind us. This is a great visualization tool to help clients let go of past hurts after they have talked through them. Another way we incorporate mindfulness into this practice is to discuss gratitude and simple noticing of our environment, what do we see, hear, smell. This helps clients to remain in the moment and stop lingering on the unpleasant memories and feelings. This gives them something they can practice outside of therapy sessions.

Other clients find walk-and-talk therapy beneficial because it combines physical activity with psychotherapy. It encourages clients to be more physically active for mental and physical reasons. Physical activity improves mood and energizes a person, which can help treat anxiety and depression. Some studies have shown that combining physical activity with psychotherapy speeds up the healing process by building the therapist/client relationship more quickly.

There are many other benefits to walk-and-talk therapy, as well as reasons it may not be suitable for all. If you are interested in walk-and-talk therapy, please contact one of our therapists directly to determine if it is suitable for you.


Harvest Counseling & Wellness is a Mental Health Counseling Practice in Argyle, Texas. We provide walk-and-talk therapy for those struggling with issues related to anxiety, depression, relationships, abuse, and grief.  Our office is located near Denton, Highland Village, Flower Mound, Lantana, Roanoke, and Justin.  If you are looking for a therapist in Denton or surrounding areas, contact us today for a complimentary phone consultation, 940-294-7061.