Signs Therapy is Working

People often come to therapy and ask, “how long will I need to be in therapy?”. The best answer to that is personal and unpredictable. Each person is different, their issues are different, their learning and processing rates are different, and their willingness and follow-through are different. Add to all those factors that life continues to happen and more life events can add to issues that brought you to counseling in the first place. So, really it depends on how hard you work during sessions and outside of sessions.

In this post you will learn more about what to expect during therapy and what it looks like when therapy is working.

What will the first appointment be like?

This depends on the therapist you choose. But here at Harvest, we like to have you fill out all paperwork and intake forms prior to the first appointment so that the appointment is more productive and meaningful. This allows you more time to speak and tell your story. Then, the counselor will explain what the future sessions will be like and what they want to tackle first. They will also make recommendations for future sessions and most likely give you homework to try outside the office.

Depending on the counselor, sessions may look different. Some counselors talk more than others and some do more teaching and role play. Your first phone consultation and in-person session will give you more insight to which style the counselor uses.

Subsequent Sessions

Remember, counseling is a relationship with another human being. Counselors are not robots. Counseling allows for an opportunity to learn how to be in relationship with another person and take it into our daily lives. Counseling can be fun, scary and sad just like everyday life, but the insight gained in sessions can help us navigate the feelings and situations in a more healthy way.

Clients are encouraged to share. The more you share about your daily routines, your history, and daily happenings, the more information that gives your counselor to better guide your care. They are not mind-readers and can not help if they don’t have the whole story.

Homework often speeds up your healing process. It may be written (such as the use of journals or worksheets) or practice based (where you go out into your life and practice what you learned). When you come back to follow-up sessions, your homework will be a good source of information and help jog your memory for topics that need to be discussed during your counseling sessions. If you do your homework outside of session, your actual sessions will be more productive—allowing you more time to move to the next step of healing or topics that need to be discussed.

Here are some signs your therapy is working:

  • you’re getting to the core of you issues

  • you’re more aware of how your past affects your present

  • you confront situations rather than avoid them

  • you consider how you can improve rather than fixing others

  • you can trust your decision making

  • you can be an emotional adult in stressful situations

  • you know how to communicate effectively

  • you begin to learn your purpose

  • you gain confidence in who you are

  • you understand your feelings and needs

  • you look to the future with hope rather than despair

  • you learn to recognize healthy relationships

  • you learn to recognize healthy behaviors in yourself and others

We are all here for a reason and a purpose, so what are you going to do to find your’s? We all have hurts and fears, so what are you going to do to move forward from those? We all have people in our lives, people that often misunderstand us or misjudge us, so how can you make yourself more known?

Therapy can be scary, but it can change your life! Don’t hold off on getting the help you need.


Harvest Counseling & Wellness is a mental health counseling practice in Argyle, Texas. We provide therapy for couples, individuals, and families struggling with issues related to anxiety, depression, abuse, and grief. Our office is located near Denton, Highland Village, Flower Mound, Lantana, Roanoke, & Justin. If you are looking for a therapist in Denton or surrounding areas, contact us today for a complimentary phone consultation, 940-294-7061.